End of Challenge

Hello everyone.

I officially announce the end of the post a day challenge I took. It has actually been 3 days since it ended, but I forgot to stop. Silly me!

I have missed 16 days of posting, so I will make up those posts in the future. I will try to post at least three times a week, to keep this blog active.

Thank you,

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Day 17: If I Were a Superhero…

Hello everyone!

It is day 17 of the post a day challenge.

Today I got a good idea for a post. What superhero would I be?

I would be Cat Woman! People say I’m like a cat all the time, and I agree. I don’t commit crimes like her, though.

We are both sneaky and fast.



Thank you,

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Day 15: What Dish Would a Restaurant Name After me?

Hello everyone! I have 16 strikes in the post a day challenge.

I got the idea of this post from a blog called The Daily Post. This site gives daily prompts for new posts which you can use if you are running low on ideas. It also features a weekly challenge. The challenges can have to do with photography, or writing. I’d probably do the Photography challenge.

Back to the topic of the post, I would be a dish called…Precious Chocolate Shark Cake.

I chose Precious, because my name, Amulya, means precious in Kannada.

I put in chocolate because I love chocolate.

And last, my name is similar to a word in Russian which means Shark. Aкула, or akula. I like sharks too, so it fits in!

This is what it would look like:

Thanks to all the other Shark cakes on CC for the inspiration.  I carved this from a 30cm loaf tin and a 4inch square, chocolate cake covered in white chocolate ganache and coloured fondant.


The inside of the cake would be chocolate. I like the blue frosting, though.

I would love to try this cake sometime. 🙂

Here is the link for the post I used for a prompt:


Thank you,

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Day 14: The Real Life Me

Hi everyone.

It is day 14 of the post a day challenge.

I decided to show you all what I actually look like using a dress up game.

This is what I look like in realz:


(I had to use photoshop to crop this)

The game I used was called Fashion Creator. Here’s the link: http://www.dolldivine.com/fashion-creator.php

Yup, that’s me.

Thank you,

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Day 13: Little Calf & Dog

Hi everyone!

It is day thirteen of the post a day challenge. I can’t believe I skipped six days in a row…That makes ten strikes.

I visited my grandfather’s farm a day after one of the cows had given birth to a calf. I got to pet it, and take some pictures of it. For privacy reasons, I will not share the picture of the calf with me in it.




It has white patches around it’s eyes. 😀

As a little bonus,

I took a picture of a nice little stray dog which was in the farm.


Thank you,

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