The Busiest Months of The School Year

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To me, January and February are the most busiest months of the year. Piles of school work, competitions, extra curricular activities, and the cold weather just seems to make it worse. This year, January and February had a bunch of events going on, but I managed. Before, I had no reason at all, to use a planner. But now, I need one. Without it, I would have no idea what to do first, or what was important. I might have forgotten to do some assignments, study for tests, or prepare for competitions.

Now that it’s March, everything has seemed to cool down for me. School work has just faded to a daily routine. It’s bound to pick up again after spring break, but that’s okay. I’ll be ready. 🙂


P.S: Got any suggestions, comments or questions about my blog? Please reply in the comments below.

End of Challenge

Hello everyone.

I officially announce the end of the post a day challenge I took. It has actually been 3 days since it ended, but I forgot to stop. Silly me!

I have missed 16 days of posting, so I will make up those posts in the future. I will try to post at least three times a week, to keep this blog active.

Thank you,

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Storm Planet

Hey everyone!

I felt like creating a new WordPress blog, so I did.

It’s called Storm Planet. I made up that name by thinking about planets, and whether it was going to rain.  Don’t ask. That’s how my creativity works these days.

Here’s the link:

I don’t have any real posts on it yet.

Also, I’m going to try to make a post everyday on this blog, since we are getting rid of of the posting schedule. IT’s okay if there are double posts on some days. It doesn’t hurt anyone!

That’s all for now.



Posting Schedule + Friendship

Hey everybody!

This blog has been kind of inactive lately, and I am starting to consider getting rid of the posting schedule. I need the author’s of this blog to give me their input on whether to keep or eliminate the posting schedule.

It does not seem like it is needed at the moment, for a daily routine of posting has not been established. It simply just takes up space in the sidebar.


I’ve been thinking about all my friends and how the school year has been with them.

Whenever I think about school friends, the first person that comes to my mind is Jenny. She’s been such a great friend to me. She was the one who helped me through hard times and guided me through my messy Venomstrike life. (You know exactly what i’m talking about, Jenny!)

Jenny is the one I have shared the most laughs and thoughts with. I’m sure to hang on to her forever! 😀

(I just had to put a smiley face in here)


Another friend of mine is one i’m not sure wants her name up on the internet.

We became good friends just this year, and had loads of fun in class. She was always a loyal class project partner, and never failed to impress me with her colorful math notebook.

We sure did have a good time in class, and I hope to maintain the friendship we built over the past nine months.

The last friend I want to talk about is one I also met this year.

She is crazy, funny and a good person to hang out with in class when you want to goof off. Surprisingly, she was very open to me about her love life secrets. I have no idea why.

We shared a lot of laughs and giggles together, and got yelled at by the teacher for talking. It was fun, though.

She is a great friend, and one I wish to keep for a long time.

Thanks for reading,

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Posting Schedule

Hello, my friends.

I see that Paperclip and Jenny have made their very first posts on this blog. They will make this blog a whole lot better with their contributions.

On creativeynnej, we have a posting schedule for all the authors involved in that blog.

I decided that since this blog has also been transformed into a group blog, it too, should have a posting schedule. This will keep the blog well organized. I don’t want three people making a post on one day, for that will get a little messy.

I’m sure you all would agree with that.

Here is my suggested posting schedule:

Sunday: Anyone

Monday: Paperclip

Tuesday: Anyone

Wednesday: Jenny

Thursday: Anyone

Friday: Amulya

Saturday: Anyone

As you can see, the weekends are free for anyone to post. Also, I wanted to have Lily participate in this blog too, but she never replied to the invitation I sent her. I will ask her on creativeynnej.

Something else I want to mention on here is that Jenny INSPIRED me to center the writing in my posts, because her posts look cool that way. Thank you, Jenny!


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